Capture, Manage
& Track Your
Business Leads

India's most trusted lead management software

Experience Cradle in Action!

Feature rich, Hassle free

Get started in hours, not months

  • Lead Capture
    Capture leads from all sources – website, Facebook, Google, referrals – onto one platform with zero leakage.
  • Quality Score
    Auto-qualify marketing leads based on quality score criteria before passing them onto the sales team.
  • Lead Distribution
    Easily track and distribute leads between your teams based on any dynamic criteria.
  • Marketing Automation
    Set omnichannel marketing automation to nudge new leads to conversions & drive loyal relationships.
  • Engagement Scoring
    Score a lead’s engagement in real-time based on their actions. Like – website visits, email opens, link clicks etc.
  • Built-in-Dialer
    Track and record conversation your agents have with prospects to ensure high compliance and productivity.
  • Email & Landing Pages
    Build responsive email templates & landing pages to drive high conversions 
  • Dashboards & Reports
    135+ reports to measure every piece of your process – from campaign spends to sales closure-rates.

Feature You Love

Lead Management

Capture leads from all sources

Capture leads from all your online-paid ads, social media, chat, webinar etc. and offline channels-events, phone calls, walk-ins etc. Also capture leads from lead aggregators and third-party websites.

Complete Lead Tracking

Track each and every interaction your leads have with your website, blogs, telephony, chat systems and salespeople in a singular and clean view.

Sales Notifications

Notify salespeople whenever their lead takes an important action or moves down the sales funnel. This makes sure your team reaches the prospects on time and never misses a closure opportunity.

Role Based Permissions

All users need not be given full access to the system. Their access can be restricted to only the leads relevant to their role based on customisable permission templates. Lead access can also be given based on time duration.